Whitelist Advertiser Server IP

  1. Overview
  2. Advertiser Integration
  3. Whitelist Advertiser Server IP

The Whitelist IPs functionality enhances the security and safeguards of your campaigns by filtering out conversions originating from untrusted IPs.

Upon the inclusion of the IPs, any conversion not originating from the specified IP list will be filtered out and canceled.

Add Whitelist IPs

  1. Click on Advertisers under Partners menu in the left navigation.
  2. Click on the pencil icon in front of the advertiser's name to edit.
  3. Once you click on edit, navigate to Step 3: IP Whitelisting

    Here you can add the list of IPs and click on the toggle to activate it. You can also deactivate the IP whitelisted anytime by switching off the toggle. 

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