Click Report

Reporting attributes

Once the click is stored via the macros, you can see several details about it, such as through which publisher it was received, on which campaign it was received, the device type, the date on which it happened, the unique click ID and any other attribute you wish to see. 

Filters to Apply

  • Campaign: Select and filter based on the campaigns.
  • Publisher: Select and filter based on the publishers.
  • Advertiser: Select and filter based on the advertisers.
  • Browsers: Select and filter based on the type of browser. 
  • Countries & Cities: Select from countries and cities.

Below is a description of all report options:


Publisher Name: Name of the publisher who brings this click.


Campaign Name: Name of the campaign.


IP Address: IP address of the user.


Landing Page: The landing page on which the user has landed after clicking on the publisher's link.


City: Name of the city from which the user has made this click.


Referrer campaign: The click that is referred by a different campaign (For example, if there is a Campaign 1 where CAP or targeting is applied and Campaign 2 is set as the fallback campaign for it, in that case, campaign 1 is the referrer campaign for Campaign 2)


Region: Name of the region from which the user has made this click.


Country: The country code of the country from which the user has made this click.


Carrier: Internet service provider.

Currency: The currency of the campaign.


Latitude: Latitude of the IP address of the user.


Longitude: The longitude of the IP address of the user.


Smart link: For which smart link has the conversion been made?


Browser: Name of the browser using which the user has made this conversion.


Operating system: Name of the operating system of the user's device (i.e Android, Windows, Linux, IOS)


Device: Device type of the user (i.e Computer, mobile)


Device language: the device language of the user.


IDFA: This filter option allows you to see the information received in IDFA, which is the Apple ID of the user.


Android ID: This field contains the Android ID of the user.


Click ID: Appcarry click ID.

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