Adjust Appcarry Integration

  1. Overview
  2. MMP Integration
  3. Adjust Appcarry Integration

There is no requirement for per-integration setup with the Adjust platform. Once you have the necessary information from your advertiser, you can generate your tracking link and set up postbacks through Adjusts Partner page.

Take your campaign live in six easy steps:

Step 1: Adjust URL and event token

If Adjust is your preferred mobile measurement partner (MMP), it is recommended that you obtain the following information from your advertiser or generate it independently.

1. Adjust link or app URL that you want to promote.

2. Event tokens and their respective significance


Adjust link :{pid}&adgroup={sub2}&creative={sub3}

Event tokens: Purchase = pur9210

 Step 2: Install and Event postback

Attribution Discription
Global Install Postback{CLICK_ID}&idfa={idfa}&gaid={gaid}
Event Postback{CLICK_ID}&idfa={idfa}&gaid={gaid}&goal_value={event_name}
Adding Goal Value

Step 3: Generate campaign URL

  •  Open Adjust partner page by clicking here
  • Fill out the form by following the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Add your client's adjust links
    Input the appropriate adjust link or app URL provided by your advertiser.

  2. Add your callback URLs 
    Include the event postback and event token (provided by your advertiser) in the specified fields. Specify the 6-digit token in the token field.

  3. Install callback
    Include the install postback in this field.

  4. Copy and share your final adjust links
    You can copy your final adjust link by which you can create a campaign using the same link as campaign URL. 


 Step 4: Install and Event postback

​5: Campaign creation

  • Now create a campaign in the Appcarry panel with the link that is generated by Adjust.

  • Also, you need to create a goal in the campaign by keeping the same goal that you used as the token in the adjust form.

  • Once the campaign and goals are created, it is necessary to make a test conversion to check that the install and event conversions are getting recorded effectively on the panel or not.


  • If the goal value is different in tokens and campaign goals, you will not receive the event postback.

  • For the Impression Adjust URL, be sure to include an imp_id parameter in the URL against the Appcarry {imp_id} macro



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